Five Moments Of Infidelity


Business Member
Kate Gorman
Studio/Production Company:
Baby Banksia

Awards Won:
Best Australian Film - Idaho Panhandle International
Film Fest 2006
Critics Choice -Salento International Film Fest 2006



“Five Moments Of Infidelity” is really what this Australian film is about, five vulnerable relationships at a point in which one partner crosses the line, breaks the bonds of trust and forces all of the parties to deal with the consequences. In the case of this film, however, things are complicated, maybe even contrived because, it turns out, all of the characters are loosely linked to one another. Talk about social networking!

So, here, writer-director Kate Gorman spins a very soap-operatic web that includes, among others, a fragile suburban family devastated by tragedy and vulnerable to even more, impending grief, a gay couple that condones an occasional dalliance and a dysfunctional couple whose reasons for remaining together elude even them and a secretary desperately clinging onto the shred of a relationship that was doomed from the start.

Employing this increasingly familiar structural pattern of weaving intersecting plots together, essentially inter-cutting five short films that are relatively unified in space, time and, of course, narrative themes, has been popular of late, as seen in films like “Crash”, “Babel”, “Syrriana” and so on, because, in addition to a hopefully engrossing storyline, there is always the added entertainment of seeing how everything winds up fitting together.

Such is the case in “Five Moments Of Infidelity” which feels less like a film and not exactly like a TV drama but somewhere in between, maybe like a cable TV series. Even if some of the stories begin to get a little tired, familiar and maybe a little trite, it is fun to watch the dots connect. With it’s handsome but modest production values and generally decent acting (though Gorman’s sister Charmaine struggles with her American character’s accent), “Five Moments Of Infidelity” is nothing that has not been seen before and has nothing really new to say about the ways of the world but fans of this kind of hyper-melodrama should find something to get into.