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watch First video. Decent quality??? Feedback please.

I am an esl teacher and share my time between the states and Poland. This is the band of my good friends from Poland who asked me to make a video for them. Gind of blues groove style. We shot the same day I agreed to do it so there wasn't time to do much of a concept. 6 hours to shoot editing about 20 hours. I am more interested in the critiques. First I would mention that a little of the lip sync is off as he didnt do a great job and I am not too good at speed ramp keyframing. There were all kinds of formatting problems because of file damage when a mac guy captured for me in a mac only format, so it got transcoded about 6 different times. I guess what I would want to know is if the quality is "okay" enough to ethically charge a little money for projects for local bands. All critique welcome. Shot on canon xha1. Ps. if you can please watch HD the difference is huge.

You have an eye for good composition. The shots in the bar were very nice. I also thought the singing stuff was nicely lit. The story perhaps wasn't as evident as I would have liked throughout the video, but it was there at the end which was good.

Most music videos end with the music. I would imagine it was a stylistic choice to show the empty audience at the end. It works, yet - most might just turn it off after the music.

Good work.