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First there was Zombeak, now Clown Vs Monkey is coming after you!

Hello Film Fiends,

This is the first in a series of weekly updates charting the creation of the most unusual film you are likely to see in 2010:

From the creators of Zombeak!


CVM is a shattering look at a society populated only by clowns and monkeys. We will follow their day to day lives as their frustrations, fears, and phobias build to a crescendo of violence and horror.

Think Robert Altman's Short Cuts meets Pee Wee's Playhouse.

In these weekly updates you will see the film created from the ground up by a consortium of film craftsmen, actors, artists, and maniacs from all over the planet.

The film will escape minute by minute until the grand premiere on Halloween 2010.

Only 2000 copies will be created of the final film, then we destroy the hard drive. Pre-order to secure your copy, shipping Halloween 2010.

Check out our blog to see how the film is progressing. www.clownversusmonkey.com

Are you Clown, or are you Monkey?
Sam Drog
circus conductor
Who do I contact for a screener for review and possabile interview with the writer or director or even an actor.