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watch First Rowing Promo

I rowed 2 years for this team and coached for 1. I always wanted to do something for the team so I made a small promo.
I would like to hear what everyone thinks about the effects, transitions,whatever else you want to talk about.
This is my first real promotional video for anyone so any tips would be awesome.
I would greatly appreciate it.


Here you go:

I really liked the video and the music. Problem I saw was that they just didn't work together.

It has to do with the way the music makes you feel and the way the video makes you feel, they just don't come together.

The reality is that watching rowing isn't the most intense of experiences even though it may be intense to the people who row. The key is that you must create the intensity with cinematography and editing.

I'm far from an expert so I would have a hard time helping with actual technical advice (I'm sure that there are others who will chime in to help out here...fellas!!) but I know enough to know that's what needs to be done here.

I do think it was well done though and I did like the fact that you synced the cuts to the down beats of the music.