Financing tips

I just read Blade Jones' thread and commented on it regarding product placement but it got me to thinking about financing. This is always one of the most difficult areas of film making (especially when you do not have any). I was wondering if we could build a list in this thread of suggested financing tips for indie film makers out there struggling.

I have financed my share of small indie films out there and here are some of my suggestions of the top of my head (I was always very creative with some of these) and some of them are well known:

1) local website placement in film
2) paid credit in film (Associate Producer jaja)
3) raffle minor (very minor) role in film (used this for a teen film in Mexico)
4) local band/art concert festival (I gathered a bunch of local artists - some of whom we then used for our film - to donate their time (they got exposure and we got attendees) for a local festival and it even got a lot of local coverage and proceeds funded the film); this even works in a nightclub
5) hit up a rich guy (particularly dentists who seem to have a lot of time on their hands)

Please feel free to add to this list and be creative; I will add some more, just want to see your brainstorm ideas.

I have heard good things up about hitting up denists also. I believe Sam Raimi(spiderman) used dentist to finance his first indie.

I read Sam Raimi did it at AMA conventions with doctors. He rented a dealer's table, wore a suit and tie, and played his short over and over.

There's always NATPE for funding and distribution. NATPE just emailed me a local event sponsored by Venture Capitalists a workshop on how to pitch to them. That involves having a business plan together.