Filmmaking with JPR: "A Project being born"

Hello to you all there,

Wanted to share some of our experiences here at JustPressRec with you all. Today's pick: "A project being born"

When you are about to embark in to a project, be it a short, a long form, a Show, a web series, and so on, the most important thing I think of as a director is how much does it resonate with me, and if it doesn't how can I understand the subject in order to put the energy needed behind it to carry it till the end. This is 50% of what will get you there. The other 50% is persistence and preparation. Specially persistence, with budget, no budget, studio, no studio, you name it...

Pre-production, get used to this word if you are new, and if you are in the game, I apologize, I know that you know that I know, that you know.

Prepare fellas. Grab that script, and treat it as a blue print, same as building a house, you have your plans and the builders follow it. It will be your road map, and a place where all your shots, style, pace, feel and much more. If you wrote the scrip, cool, you know what the thing looks like in your head. If you didn't, sit with the writer and suck their brains so that you can understand what is in that head of theirs.

Here is where the movie/short/tv/whatever is made, on paper. Here you will choose how to design your piece, then you will divert or find "movie magic" on the moment of filming and things may change.

Then, as you prepare this, you are going to analyze (if you want), what other elements within the script (the parts where people don't speak, or really nothing is happening on words), and you are going to create from this. I find it important to let the words tell half the story, the actors the other half, and as if it wasn't enough the props, sets, locations and so on tell the other other half....

Anyhow, I hope this helps a little, and for those who already know, again, I apologize.

More to come, and if you have questions, please fire them along.

Find us at and if you are in LA and want to swing by the studio, why not?.
