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watch Filmmaking: "Mañana sera otro Dia" Short film

Every few months we embark in a private project designed by our team for our team, never forgetting that we are here to continue to pass a message in the wonderful form of moving pictures.
In 2012 we released 3 Short films, tackling 3 different genres and different styles. They are all in festivals at the moment, some climbing, some finding challenges, but overall, they are all being seen, critiqued and enjoyed, which is the important part.

I would like to Share one them with you today, "Manana sera otro dia" / "Tomorrow will be a another day.

In this film we shine a light on a specific issue our military troups around the world face, Suicide, from post dramatic disorders caused by the time out there. Hope you all like it and if anything helps pass on the message.



Feel free to comment, critique and share.

