Okay, from a practical standpoint, does anyone have any advice on possibly building a cheap little setup to film while on a bouncing bus while keeping the camera steady(I'm using a Canon zr900 camcorder-small and compact). I know that there vests available that have shock absorbers, but I don't have kinda dough*l* And it's kinda hard to setup a tripod on a moving bus, obviously. (I got the permission from the bus company, now I just need to know how I can pull this off!)
EDIT: It's not a long scene, more a transition scene focussing on one character, so there's no dialogue to worry about. Just a scene of a person riding on a bus to their destination.
EDIT: It's not a long scene, more a transition scene focussing on one character, so there's no dialogue to worry about. Just a scene of a person riding on a bus to their destination.