Filming in towns

I'm thinking of doing a documentary on my home town (Glasgow) next year at some point. I'd need to be filming inside the town a lot, as that is a major tourist attraction. I need to know about filming when crowds are there. Do you have to have everyone's permission who is in the frame? Even if their face isn't visible? I've seen lots of documentaries in towns show crowds, and no way did they get all those thousands of permissions :D

So how does it work?

Yes, every recognizable face needs a release. The distributor writing you the check to buy your film will point to each face and ask to see the release for it. If you don't have one, his checkbook goes back in his pocket and he drives away in his Mercedes. That's how important a release is.

News agencies can generally show crowd shots once on TV, but they can't package together something to sell without having the releases.

Doc filmmakers are subject to the same release requirements, however there is a grey area when the work is research and or news. Lawyers are usually involved to split hairs.

Good luck.
Thanks for the info on that. I was just a bit worried about getting sued or something like that if I done something wrong :P

So your all good if there face isn't recognizable then?