Filming In Public: Audio

Hey one thing ive always wanted to do with filming is do things with people in public without it being very obvious. So at first thoughts i was thinking i would take a field recorder and plug in a mic to it but i wouldnt know what kind of microhpone or what kind of money i would be getting into? I really have no idea how small or hard it is to hide a microphone that will pick up about 6 feet away. Thanks for your time!
Be very careful about this kind of stuff; laws vary greatly from state to state regarding privacy and surreptitious monitoring, recording, etc. An acquaintance was arrested (in Utah I believe it was) for invasion of privacy. He was trying to collect crowd sounds in an outdoor café. (The judge let him off with a warning.) So be sure to check local (and federal) regulations and acquire any necessary paperwork that may be needed.

Wireless lavs are good for "stealth" recording. There are also spectacles and headphones that have mics built it, although the quality there is very marginal.

Commonly used on film sets is placing a lav inside a Bic type pen. Just empty the guts of the pen, slide the mic up to the top and secure it with moleskin or surgical tape. Put a little bit of cotton in the pen to keep the cable from rattling. Cut a hole in your shirt and thread the cable through to the recorder or wireless transmitter. You can also mount a lav in the brim of a cap or hat. If you have enough time for set-up you can also plant mics in all sorts of places.


This gives you an idea of why professional production sound people love the CountryMan B6; it's freakin' SMALL!!!!!!


A few other ideas...



Of course, you may not have the cleavage for this.......