filming from perspective..

Hello there im gettin i the film making lately...and i was wondering in films if you per example have a conversation between 2 persons, the films switches from perspective from the other persons to the other persons. ( Hop you know what i mean).

My Question is, do the film the conversation with 2 cameras? or do the repeat the convo 2 times and film it from a other perspective. Hope i was clear in my question. ( English is not my main language).

You can shoot it with two cameras. But it is much more typical to shoot it with one. This isn't just how we shoot a conversation scene, but pretty much anything. There are some special shots, when you know exactly what camera angle you want, so you shoot only that. But most of the time, the actors repeat their performance, over and over and over again, as you record it from many different angles and distances (this is called getting "coverage").