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Film2Music Short Film Contest - $10,000 Grand Prize

Thanks! There's more new media:

We put up brief video statements by composer and competition sponsor Kubilay Uner and by three members of our esteemed panel of judges:

• producer/director James C. Hart (CSI, Chicago Hope)
• producer Jackie George (Demolition Man, Richie Rich)
• animator/producer Dave Bossert (Fantasia 2000)

Go to the competition website at www.film2music.com to watch them.

We just received an e-mail that the first Film2Music submission is already on its way!

Registration is currently open. Submission deadline is November 1st, 2006.

With a jury including writer director MICHAEL POLISH and CSI producer JAMES C. HART handing out a $10,000 Grand Prize, plus the possibility to gather votes online to win the $5000 Online Audience Award, it's well worth looking into...

Go to www.film2music.com for more information and to register.
www.film2music.com - Updates:

- We just passed 100 registrations

- Film departments of three colleges in the US have decided to make the Film2Music Competition part of their teaching curriculum this fall. Two more, including CalArts, have expressed interest to do the same.

- SIX WEEKS TO SUBMISSION DEADLINE - there's still time to create a short film to a track of your choice from the CD CINEMATIC -- for a chance to win the $10,000 Grand Prize, plus the possibility to gather votes online to win the $5000 Online Audience Award. -- Jury includes writer/director MICHAEL POLISH and CSI producer JAMES C. HART.

For more information, and to register, go to www.film2music.com
www.film2music.com - Updates:

So far, 163 filmmakers from all over the US and from ten other countries on three continents have registered to participate, ranging from film students and hobbyists to seasoned filmmakers and artists eager to face a new challenge.

Those include several indie directors (a number of them with prior awards); several music video directors with major and indie label credits; an Emmy-nominated TV sitcom writer/producer; a young director from Havana, Cuba; a young filmmaker who left a promising career in Taipei to reinvent herself in NY; a Dutch painter and video artist; a successful German photographer; a video artist whose work has been exhibited in museums and festivals across the globe; a VJ who himself was the subject of a film; a jewelry designer; a video game designer; and last but not least, a cable wakeboard cinematographer...


For more information, and to register, go to www.film2music.com