Film/Video Idea Help....

Film/Video Project Request -Video Wanted

I'm not sure where it is appropriate to post this. I have a project up and running that is a commercial distribution network for indie film and video. Right now I am able to market and distribute over the web commercially. I have a theme that I am trying to encourage that involves the current sociological conditions of communication and interaction in the social networking world of myspace/facebook/twitter etc. and with how people use those venues for human interaction for making friends/dates/lovers/marriage.
I'm particularly interested in why and how people try to date on the internet.

Not being a filmmaker nor having contacts with character actors myself I am interested in having those who might be interested try a project which I have the viable distribution already in place. It's a very quirky idea and it pulls alot on the existing tendancies of internet user and how they try to socialize on the web. Yet it is attempting to fill a void of emotional satisfation that the web does not as far as I can see currently provide those users. Film wise it's simple.....a webcam could do it really. Acting wise I think it could be incredibly complex and....I guess I should say maniputive. The closest thing I can think of is "My Dinner with Andre" as an anology of how that particular dinner date was so curious to watch, but really this project would just in the first person with the viewer.

The clearest way to articualte it would be to take into consideration of how internet users behave on social networking sites, what they're objectives are and then to create a series of short videos to guide/manipulate their behavior based upon the emotional satisfaction the receive from acting that way. A reality series where the viewer is unknowingly the real participant and their participation is viewing the film and well.....paying to view that film. I'm a distributer remember.

If there are some college students or anyone really who is intrigued some by this contact me at line "Video Idea". Like I said I can't make it myself or I would. Also, it's a single theme with an endless number of characters/plots/scripts/conflicts, etc. so I hope a few people find the concept interesting. Financially I think it has excellent potential for only really time investment. Hit me at that e-mail and I'll flip the idea to you. Regards....
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