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Film Trailer Festival in Hollywood!!!!

**You are a filmmaker who wants to start a career above Europe?
**You are looking for someone who can help you to get in touch with Hollywood’s highest profile decision makers?

**********If this applies to you, become part of our project!*********

We are one organisation which has got the motivation to open the exchange by using as little time and money as possible.
We sell your ideas to Hollywood and present your film directly to public.

Qur next Filmtrailerfestival take place in Hollywood L.A. from 25th to 27th September 2011.
Filmmakers have the chance until 15th August 2011 to post their trailers on our website.
A Jury selects the films which are presented at the Filmtrailerfestival in Hollywood.
Our request is to bring forward lots of European films.
Trying to get support for the European Commission for our project we want to create an important interface between Europe and America.

So, find your own way, how to effect your own performance with your trailer!!
All short filmtrailers are welcome!

----> For more information please join us on facebook: www.facebook.com/filmtrailerfestival and visit our homepage:www.filmtrailerfestival.com !! <----