What's your distribution going to be?
Good lighting, professional camera movement, good actors, great script, makeup, hair set design...
The in camera stuff means nothing without the rest in place...it'll still look like video.
The main thing that's noticeable is lighting and exposure, avoid having bright white in the frame that you can't balance out, the thing that stands out the most in video is that it has a limited range of light it can pick up...white is still white and black still black, but the steps between are fewer.
If you want the "film look" shoot film (sorry, I just hate the term...it leads folks to believe they're going to get stuff that looks like lord of the rings on video...and it just won't happen). Shoot instead using all of the things that hollywood does to ensure its film is the most beautiful thing ever...control absolutely everything that happens in front of the camera and the light that captures it to the camera. The actual camera bits can be learned in an afternoon by twiddling with the knobs a bit.
slightly underexpose (one click on the exposure wheel), light the shadows to fit into that light space.
Avoid super high contrast sharp edges
Turn digital edge enhancement off (or down if off isn't an option).
Move the camera at half the speed you think you want to, panning, trucking, whatever...
After all that is done, 24p 1/48th shutter will get you the actual capture rate of film, but may not dump to DVD properly if that is your intended target, test it...if you like it, use it...try shooting 60i and 30f and converting them as well to see what works out for you the best.
Don't trust anything we say here, we're all opinionated beyond reason