Film Festivals

ALMOST every festival can now be submitted to via It's affiliated with imdb, and it simplifies the process of getting your imdb page automatically approved once it's under consideration at a qualifying festival. Each festivals fees vary between festivals, and by what deadline you meet all the way from free to $20 on the low end to $75 or more on the high end. After you enter and pay the fee you have to either mail them a DVD or use some type of online screener (each festival).
The usual course is to find the website for the festival and you will then click on SUBMIT FILM. On that page they will have a SUBMISSION FORM, where you put in the name of the movie, your name and contact info, run time, formats, etc.

Then you mail this submission form with the check or money order for the submission fee. Then you wait until they announce the movies. Several good festivals will email you to let you know if you got rejected (or get in).

Or most festivals have the SUBMIT VIA WITHOUT A BOX and it's a lot more automated.
As others have said above is fantastic. Not only does it easily give you access to view, contact, and submit to any festival you can think of... it gives you some significant discounts for submissions that the official website of the festivals.. which is great when money is tight and festivals are expensive... Anyway check it out it's great