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Not trying to argue with you but how was I wrong? I said it was greenlit in '97. Your article confirms that. LOL.

Plus? You're preaching to the choir... I've sold 4 spec screenplays and NONE of them have been produced (greenlit).

And? I still have no idea what they have to do with Indie films and my #34 reply. While I know... Based on interviews over the years... The Wachowskis had always wanted to create a new world... Maybe for comics when they began but later on for the movie world. But make no mistake... By the time they submitted THE MATRIX to the market? They had already gotten into the system i.e., THE MATRIX wasn't Indie.

Clint Eastwood bought UNFORGIVEN years before he ever made it as a movie. Selling a spec means NOTHING except money and maybe credit. It certainly doesn't guarantee production. There are plenty of specs out there that are amazing that have been sold and haven't been produced.

Not quite sure what any of that has to do with the discussion... Although I do agree with you. LOL.

All I was saying is that most of the stuff I watch and read by Indie filmmakers and screenwriters hoping to break into the business are simply not good enough to do that when in fact? Many times their originators think their material is good enough to do that. And? Since everyone's opinion is different? How does one go about making sure only the cream rises to the top? Competitions? LOL.

No... The filmmaker or the screenwriter has to just gut it out on their own... Keep making films and keep writing and hopefully HONING their skills to the point that one day? Their work will begin moving them up the ladder of success.

The answer is 63636x6s6s6w55 (paste in the box)