Film budget and scheduling

Has anyone been through the process of getting funding for their film. I want to start a kickstarter in order to get funding but i'm confused on how to get the budget i'll need in order to pledge a set amount.
hey dude, I think your best bet would be to search the forum, there are loads of posts about budgeting etc. by people who know what their talking about.

I'm still learning myself but I'll offer my thoughts. A good route you could go would be to break your script down scene by scene and work out what you need to get that scene filmed, for example:-

How many days do you think it'll take to film that scene? are you paying cast/crew? hiring equipment? fuel costs, catering etc. break it all down into individual components for each scene then total it up. Do that for every scene then add your totals together and you'll have a rough idea of a budget.

I will say though be sure to add into your budget the % that kickstarter will take off your total as well as your rewards budget.
What Welsh Gambit said is basically right.

You'll want to do the duties of a Line Producer / Unit Production Manager. To get a budget, they basically break down the script, scene by scene, working out all the details of what is needed within each scene, from that work out some resemblance of a schedule, which leads you to how many days each person is working, and then working out what everything will cost. Craft services, equipment rental, location fee's, insurance, permits, above the line costs (writer, director, producer, leading cast), below the line wages, post production costs and more. Not to also mention development costs that are already sunk.

It won't exactly be accurate as there are a lot of variables that won't always be known until later on.

Though I suspect you're talking about something a lot smaller. How much smaller depends on what you have in mind. If so, please provide more details.