Film apps

I'm looking into creating an app for the iphone/ipad and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with getting an app into the app store? I'm working with an app development company, but it's the first time they're making this sort of app so we're not to sure what to expect with the approval process.
I'm sure there's a fee for getting the license to upload it there ($100 or so I think?). Make sure you've read the TOS fully, and look at some similar apps to get some ideas. Just be totally honest in the application process and tell them in detail about everything, and you should be fine!

Good luck :)
I ended up working with a friend who develops apps and through his company they were able to submit the app we made for the film. There was only a brief rejection at first because origianlly we had the purchased video files also go to your itunes folder, and they didn't like that so we had to make it only watchable within the app.

here's a link to the Skate Proof app that's free to download.