archived-videos fight circle --feature length martial arts film online

Hey fellow film buffs---I released a feature length martial arts film last week..."" the first few reviews are positive and honest---which is nice...we shot it on the panasonic dvx100---and it looks outstanding...let me know what you think...good and bad
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I was gearing up to watch this, but only got the trailer for a while. I then discovered that to watch the whole movie costs $7 (although the way its set up you could probably watch the movie twice for the 7 bucks). Anyways, I'll probably watch it another night because it took me a while to figure out the deal and I need to go to bed soon, but the trailer looked interesting. Since I can't critique the movie yet bc I haven't seen it, I'll try to comment on the trailer. It really looks like there are some great action scenes. It looks realistic and well put together. I do think that for the trailer some emotional scenes and something about the characters would draw more people in. The trailer only had action and cool shots, but nothing really about the people in the film. Also the edges of the "writing" was hard to read at first and by the time it was visible I couldn't read the whole sentences before they were gone. Also it seemed to me that the people in the film have very modern haircuts. But overall it looked like a good flick, not sure of $7 to download good, but I'd like to see it.


thanks for the note---there are some issues with the there are with most films...the reviews are starting to come in and they're favorable...check them out on the website...of course I want you to love the film because it's my movie---but I think independent reviewers will give you the honest low down on FC and whether it's worth the $7. If you watch it please give feedback---any and all comments are greatly appreciated
