Festival de Cannes: Short Film Corner

I just received the good news: my first short has been accepted (with a lot of others) to the Short Film Corner in Cannes www.cannescourtmetrage.com/. This is the first selection because I just finished it.

I have two main questions:
1. Have you ever been to the short film corner? Is there anything I should do or I shouldn't do?
2. Have you ever been to Cannes? Is there anything I should know? (never been there before...) Is there anything I should do to enter in "private" events where I can meet interesting professionals?

You could ask me: what is your goal?
I'd really like to find at least a distributor for my short (6 minutes) and find a producer for the next one which is expensive and difficult.

Hope to have been clear enough about what I'd like to know :)