Feedback Please

My first thought was that it would be nice to have a video.

I did read the text summary but I would normally (when looking on IndieGoGo and Kickstarter) just watch the video to get a taste of the film. It also sends out the right sort of message that you're a competent filmmaker (the interviews are well composed, lit, edited...etc.) and that you are confident person, which is important as an investor. For me a good interview with the director or producer can be better than a teaser trailer, but I certainly want to watch something so that I know that the product is there.

So that's my key recommendation. If I hadn't been directed there from IT I wouldn't have bothered to read the text, I would have clicked off when I saw that there was no video...

This is just personal preference, many people would be happy to just see the promotional artwork but on the whole I think the consensus would be that some sort of film will probably do you good...