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Feedback on some stills

Here are two stills taken from weekend shooting. THey have slight cc. Shot on DVX100a with ana lense. Just to answer before anyone condemns me... yes I have used mixed lighting. :D OK slam away... any input positive and constructive appreciated!


Well two images and no set-up (nothing explaining them) means that we don't know the progression of the scene. So based on images alone, this is my first impression:

Pic 1, the gun grabber.
First thing I noticed was the harsh shadow. Facial expressions look ok, but I don't know what's going on to know if they are right for the scene. Gun to face and finger on the trigger is alright. I can see the shadow working if it's a fast scene. Like if the gun grabber pushes the guy or pulls him into another room. I would use a difuser on that light to cut out the harsh shadows.

Pic 2, Black eyed babe.
Looks good. No harsh shadows. It looks like the light is coming in from behind the glass and you have the 2 subjects lit well as to not cast shadows on eachother. Again, I don't know what's going on in the scene so I can't comment on the facial expression.

Looks great! Good Job.
CootDog said:
Well two images and no set-up (nothing explaining them) means that we don't know the progression of the scene. So based on images alone, this is my first impression:

Pic 1, the gun grabber.
First thing I noticed was the harsh shadow. Facial expressions look ok, but I don't know what's going on to know if they are right for the scene. Gun to face and finger on the trigger is alright. I can see the shadow working if it's a fast scene. Like if the gun grabber pushes the guy or pulls him into another room. I would use a difuser on that light to cut out the harsh shadows.

Your perceptions are correct he is pushing him ahead into the next room at a fairly quick pace after confronting him at the front door. He has taken him by surprise and has taken control.

CootDog said:
Pic 2, Black eyed babe.
Looks good. No harsh shadows. It looks like the light is coming in from behind the glass and you have the 2 subjects lit well as to not cast shadows on eachother. Again, I don't know what's going on in the scene so I can't comment on the facial expression.
Looks great! Good Job.

This is a fairly somber scene ... I could have closed the room of instead I left the blind open and used a kino on the exterior pushing more bluish light through from outside to reflect an external coldness... especially to the woman on the right.

Thanks for your input!
Yes, and I noticed the bluish color in the room behind the gunman, which would keep that same look and feel of the outside. Like the house is warm, but outside the home is cold. That's a great mood generator and it helps you focus more on the subject who are warm.
Can't comment from a technical POV but I haev to pull up the way the guy is holding the gun ! Looks like he has never handled a pistol before (sorry things like that bug me!!!).

HEY I'm just picking fault as I have nothing else constuctive to say!!!! Nice work!