Feature Script $ Range

Folks: Just joined Indie Talk. Curious to know the price range, low and high, of screenplay sales this year. Anyone kept up on that?

Script sales...

BobAnderson said:
Folks: Just joined Indie Talk. Curious to know the price range, low and high, of screenplay sales this year. Anyone kept up on that?


Actually, I do keep up with that...

For indie scripts, the payout is all over the board...

For mainstream Hollywood projects, the payout can average mid five figures to mid six figures with some A list writers or someone with one hell of a great script getting high six figures up to and over 3 million... In fact, in 2004, a well known actress was offered 10 million for a script she wrote.

She didn't take it.

FilmJumper said:
Actually, I do keep up with that...

For indie scripts, the payout is all over the board...

For mainstream Hollywood projects, the payout can average mid five figures to mid six figures with some A list writers or someone with one hell of a great script getting high six figures up to and over 3 million... In fact, in 2004, a well known actress was offered 10 million for a script she wrote.

She didn't take it.


What actress was that Filmy?
Andie MacDowell

WeightOnWheels said:
What actress was that Filmy?

It was Andie MacDowell.

Apparently, she has written a script about a frontier woman's life. She wrote it specifically so she could play the part. After shopping it around, there were MANY takers but none of them want her for the part... They all want younger, hotter actresses.

So far, she has declined all offers the highest of which was $10 mil.

That just goes to show you that when Hollywood wants something, they will pay through the nose...

FilmJumper said:
She wrote it specifically so she could play the part. After shopping it around, there were MANY takers but none of them want her for the part... They all want younger, hotter actresses.

That sums up all of the problems of Hollywood. Andie McDowell may not be young, but she is hot. I wonder why she doesn't take it to a smaller company like Focus that would be more open to her taking on the role.

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I think the WGA min. is around $28,000. Prices go up from there to around 3 mil. For non-WGA stuff calculate around 2-3% of the budget. I just sold a script I co-wrote with a buddy for a pic that will be produced for around $750,000. We took a lower rate because we are attached, me as shooter and him as director.
