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watch Feature Film 'The Wick - Dispatches from the Isle of wonder

Hi Guys. We have put our feature film that we have recently finished on Youtube.


Tom and I made the film through 2012, with no budget (bought a few props), no crew, 1 camera, 2 lenses, 1 tripod and a tascam DR100 with a rode ntg2.

It got a nice review on filmthreat. Now we just want to get it out there for more people to see. Let me know what you think?

"it's one strange film. It's also a great film" 4/5 stars - Mark Bell, Filmthreat.com.

Read more: http://www.filmthreat.com/reviews/68262/#ixzz2YB3JNtHZ

I write to you from a far off land...

Two film-makers arrive in the post industrial wasteland known as Hackney Wick. Their aim; to document this 'Isle of Wonder' as it falls under the shadow of the Olympic behemoth.

Influenced by silence, slapstick, and the absurd, this scripted film is more factual than fictional as it was made entirely by the two fools it follows. With 99% of the budget spent on a radio, a poncho and 100 envelopes they were left with no option other than to undertake all aspects of the filmmaking process themselves. A two man crew was just about plausible for interviewing the Hackney Wick locals, but it became somewhat of an issue when it came to shooting their own scenes. A lot of running behind and in front of the camera resulted in visuals that mirror the lonesome, tragic experience of shooting it.

This is an intimate film about the ill fated journey of two filmmakers and the weird and wonderful characters they encounter. More than that, it is a love letter to a remarkable place, filmed during a unique transitional period which may or may not spell the end for 'The Wick'.



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As someone who posted a feature on here and didn't get a lot of feedback, I'll make sure to watch this sometime next weekend sir.

- Jow