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Feature: Diamond in the Rough

Diamond in the Rough
Production Starts February 4th, 2013



After the sudden death of a sibling, Diamond and Amber's idyllic young lives are thrust into a hellish nightmare of abuse at the hands of their father. Unable to cope with the tragic event, parents Jeff and Erica descend into a dark abyss of depression and alcoholism.

Diamond and Amber, growing tired of the abuse, and their mother's acceptance of it, run away to their older sister's (Michelle, 20) house, who has since moved out of the family home. It's a long 100 mile trip of hitchhiking and walking that let's them see the good and bad of modern society.
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this is a dream come true!

so you're telling me that for the low, low price of $250 I can get three copies of the same movie as well as autographs of unknown actors!?!?!?

And for only a tiny $800 fee I get to Skype with these people?

Oh, my stars... if I can scrounge together $3000 (as well as travel, food, lodging, and whatever time I must take off work with no pay) I get to spend a whole day on the set?

Sorry, just having a little fun at your expense, but do you see what I'm getting at? Why would anyone pay for these "perks?"
Our indiegogo.com page is live. Right now we're trying to raise money to produce the video. Need about $600 for a camera, mic, and location fee.

Anyone with moderate Google-Fu skills and about 5 spare minutes can come up with some really interesting reading material from you.

You have posted countless threads over the last couple of years, both here and on other film making forums, complaining about how you can't ever make any kind of short film or any other production because you don't have a camera. Yet, you had a Canon HV30 listed for sale here and on another forum just a couple weeks ago, which is now marked as sold. Instead of getting off your duff and doing something with what is a very capable little camera, you finally have made the situation you were complaining about into reality.

And before we hear more excuses: yes, it's tape-based, and tape is "obsolete" now. So what? It can shoot 1080p24, and offers a lot of manual image control. It's still a camera that I suggest to folks who need a decent project camera on a tight budget.

And now you need $600 for a camera with mic and location? You could have used the camera you already had, rented a mic and a small mixer for a song, and secured a location for free. Best of luck on this.
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And now you need $600 for a camera with mic and location? You could have used the camera you already had, rented a mic and a small mixer for a song, and secured a location for free. Best of luck on this.

Not to mention he supposedly has an $8million budget, yet he needs to crowd fund to come up with that $600?

Yeah, anyone with google can look up this dude's bullshit. He was trying to sell a production company that had never made anything for 3 million dollars.