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FCP thumbnail problem.

So I'm editing in FCP 7 and some of the video thumbnail says media missing or the like, but the clip plays and the media is in the same folder it has always been in my external hard drive. Help? Will my film export ok or is this a problem? And I tried reconnecting the media and the missing media thumbnails is still present.
Cmd+Option+shift TOOLS gets you some data via the INTERNAL TOOLS option in the TOOLS window. These are normally not available. its not going to help you in this issue, but there are ways to utilize the data created to troubleshoot session problems.

FCP 7 uses a binary file in which it maintains its database to manage connections between the files and sequences in your session and the actual physical files. Note: Databases can be flat file(s), tables, multiple files, single files, DBMS, Relational, or just plan old flat files. It also contains timecode data, clip in and out points, nesting data and other automation data.

The FCP database is a basically a non-relational binary flat file based on a data set within the FCP session file. It is the data sets FCP uses to keep the links connected. This data can get corrupted and if it does, most of the time you can simply overwrite the bad data by re-linking your files, or if this doesn't work, you can create a new session file using media management, open it and deal with any left over issues manually.

The Final Cut Server database engine has been incorporated into FCP X to provide a better database media management tool set than FCP 7's database within it's binary session file.

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you are most welcome. i used to run the very large Citigroup data operations and programming projects... learned more than I ever wanted to know about this crap, before I quite and started a production and post company...


definitely play with the INTERNAL TOOLS... you can turn on all sorts of tracking options for review and troubleshooting.