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FCP aspect ratio


I'm making a video for a client. The video has to be 300x390 (width x height). I'm filming it on a Canon 60D in 1080p.

Here's the problem: How do I set up the whole thing in FCP?

What should my video settings be and how should I export it? I've tried a lot of different things but I can't seem to make it work. It comes out stretched no matter what I do.

Does any of you have an idea - for dummies, so I'll get it straight :-)

I have to export it in mp4, but let's save that for later. The major problem is getting the aspect ratio right and I know it's all about the combination of "video settings" and "export settings" - but what is the right combination?

Just select the sequence window, (timeline), and go to I think preferences? Something like that. Google it! That's what I do! It's an odd request, but it's possible! Truly possible!
The reason the video is getting squeezed is because you're taking something that is wider than it is higher, and turning it into a rectangle taller than it is wide. You'll have to use only a small area of the video if you don't want it squeezed.

You need to right-click on your sequence in the Browser window and select "Sequence Settings" - you can then create a custom size for your sequence. It's a very strange size for a video, so we'll just have to hope the client knows what they're talking about…