archived-videos FATE "5min short"

Today is a great day! today i have finnaly uploaded final cut, of our 5min film that will be Submited to Fairfax County Film Festival on March 12th *festival is on April 20th*

well basicly from each school their will be 3 films submited to one of our biggest county film festivals...
its a chance i couldn't afford to mis...
so After 2-3 Months of Thinking.... What should i show in 5mins....What can i show, that will be acceptable to all audience.... and so on.. copyrights and so on....

Well here it is i will soon upload larger version....

Tell me what you guys think...
I am really proud of this work!

BTW this great song by

Luke Stark (great music composer)

for more of my films visit

Comments are Welcomed :)
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Me neither. Post a different link please...By the way, just for the future: before you post something, you can "Preview" it and make sure that all the links work.
Films told in backwards chronology like this one usually need more punch. I think it's a good idea and fairly good execution (I'd work on making the fighting look more believable), but it lacks something. Just having some small change wasn't enough for me.

Now, possibly combining this and Life Scene might have been a good idea. Instead of having the guy get robbed, have him be shot, hav the breaking up with the girl be the thing that needs changing.

Anyway, my two cents.

yea i like ur idea but as u know this are 2 diffrent movies written by 2 diffrent people at 2 diffrent days lol

thanks for your 2 cents thought
Cyklopz, I'd like to encourage you to post slightly more point worthy posts. People on this board benefit and would love to hear from you if you have some constructive critism but are not interested in unhelpful opinionated statements.
Hey Shot, what's up man, look, I have just as much passion for screenwriting/filmmaking just as much as most people in here. But just because I'm not a moderator doesn't mean that I'm not entitled to voice my opinion, and that you're entitled to try and censor it. I'm sure some members would agree that my man POKE is trying gain popularity by picking apart shorts negatively and that you haven't tried to advise him to constructively critique..I confirm that statement by what you replied to my post in the lobby. ANYWAY, I hope that we can put this matter behind us. Sometimes the withholding of criticism can be a bigger form of cruelty than the criticism itself.
I don't doubt your passion for film making, and I'm certain that you will be posting some helpful information here on Indietalk. But I'm clearly stating that saying:

"WOW! U guys are some pretty passive, generous critics! I particularly like how he begs you to review it."

Is an unhelpful opinion, and Timur could find offense to the accusation you threw at him and is verging on the unessecary.

Please try and respect the boards, and respect the Admin and Moderators.

This does not need to be discussed further in public. If you would like to pm me, please do, and we'll take this conversation behind the scenes.

Timur, what's in the pipeline production wise at the moment? Anything cool happening?
Hi everyone
Shot: right now we are trying to produce 2 films at the moment but requiers allot of $$$ cuz we want it to make as realistic as possible and trying to stay away from unrealistic hollywood action type film.
Can you give us any more info about the storyline? I'm interested in seeing what you come up with (as "Fate" is a short I quite enjoyed).
Shaw: its realy neat Idea, but iam to afraid to tell
because it sounds so simple and yet complicated to shoot.

but my another film, which iam really like to produce and direct, is a Chechnya War film