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Fade to white?

Hey everybody! I have a question:

I would like to be able to fade to white at a point in the project I am working on. I assume:D
that I should dissolve to a white field. However, I don't know what this is called so I can't look it up.

What should I be doing? Does anyone have a quick and dirty way to fade to white? Hey, give me the section in the FCP manual and I'll look it up! I just don't know what to look at.

I hope I'm not making this harder than it actually is...

-- spinner :cool:
There should be a FCP transition called "Fade Through Colour" or something like that. If you want to fade to rather than through white, perhaps use one of the generators and a normal cross dissolve.
My solution is probably the dumbest, but I'll throw it out there, just in case it helps. I needed to fade to white once, so I created a blank white jpeg in Windows paint (Mac has an equivalent program, no?), imported that white jpeg to the project, put it in the timeline, and just dissolved. The other solutions are probably better, but mine is less tech-saavy, so maybe easier?
Thanks for the help, guys!

What I tried was going to the 'effects' section in FCP. Then under 'video generators', I went to 'matte', under 'matte' I clicked on 'color'. The color was a field of gray, so I went to effects and color corrector and adjusted the color to a passable white.

I'm going to try what you all suggested as well. Thanks!

-- spinner :cool: