Ever think directors are starting to copy each other now?

It seems that a lot of directors are just doing new things because everyone else is, instead of sticking to their own styles. Oliver Stone, directed Savages, but shot it in a way in where you would swear it was a guy richie movie, and didn't even try to add any of his own trademarks to it, it seems. Michael Bay shot Transformers, with some Paul Greengrass style camera shake, even though he has never used camera shake much before, especially when he started out. But this is hard to tell since I usually avoid his movies, other than The Rock.

Martin Scorsese shot The Departed with a lot of frantic and frequent cutting in mind, even though before he usually prided himself in long takes. It kind of seems to me that Hollywood directors are perhaps just changing their style, because no one else is doing it. Could this be true?