
I'm actually a singer/dancer; however, I want to put a movie screen behind me and project "dreamscapes" on it, generated from film footage (mine and others), Flash and AfterEffects. I'd like to know how much I should expect to pay for a projector that could cover a screen say, 12 ft by 35 ft., and where I could get the same. Also, ditto on the screen itself. Seems like home theater projectors cover too small an area.
I'm actually a singer/dancer; however, I want to put a movie screen behind me and project "dreamscapes" on it, generated from film footage (mine and others), Flash and AfterEffects. I'd like to know how much I should expect to pay for a projector that could cover a screen say, 12 ft by 35 ft., and where I could get the same. Also, ditto on the screen itself. Seems like home theater projectors cover too small an area.

You may be able to find cheaper, but I have a Panasonic that will project that big (in HD) new it's about $2000.
Wow! That's really cheap! I wasn't looking to buy this today, probably in 3 months, but can you give me the specs so I can research it?
Wow! That's really cheap! I wasn't looking to buy this today, probably in 3 months, but can you give me the specs so I can research it?

I was wrong, it's a Sanyo. It will project a Max of 25" wide in 16X9 HD. I have exhibited my film using this projector multiple times. At about 10" wide it looks awesome. I have never tried to throw it the full 25".
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It's got a pretty low lumen rating, so unless it was total darkness, the image would be pretty dim at the distance necessary to get the maximum image size..

Also, the 25' (300 inch) image size rating, isn't width, it's diagonal.. it's just like when you go buy a 32 inch TV, it's not 32 inches wide or tall, it's roughly 32" diagonal (generally more like 31)

So, a 25 foot diagonal would be more like 14' wide x 7.8' tall at a 16:9 aspect ratio

Something like this is going to be a lot closer to realistic specs necessary for this kind of situation. It'll give you up to a ~23.5 foot wide image, and has enough brightness that it shouldn't be drown out by other stage lighting and the like.

The problem is that it's probably a bit unrealistic since to achieve that maximum image size you'd have to have the projector around 150 feet away. That's going to be prohibitive in a lot of situations.

You'd probably be better off using multiple projectors each covering a smaller section of screen. These could all be running their own program, or be linked to act as a single large screen..
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Good point. I've never projected larger than about 10' horizontal, so never really thought about the upper limits. It'll project 10' horizontal from about 20' away.