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watch episode two of my web series

I watched episode one, and, after 25 seconds of black, the episode begins. It is really well made – looks great, nicely played – and, at the same time, almost aggressively boring. The entire first episode is two guys having breakfast, walking their dogs, not talking to anyone. So, on paper, this ought to be terrible...

And yet...

I watched the second episode straight after the first, and, having watched 20 minutes of your show, I wondered why I didn't feel like I wasted my time. The second episode inches towards a plot but it's actually at its best when it doesn't bother. It just lets things occur very naturalistically and in a way that is low-key and yet still engaging. It's pretty rare that I'll watch 20 minutes of indie film and actually enjoy it and hope that there's more to come. And I can't fully explain why 'series' works (even the name is just exquisitely uninteresting!).

I had a flick through some of your other work and it's clear that you're a really talented filmmaker and cinematographer. Maz-zo-man-nee in particular is extraordinary.

I imagine that 9 out of 10 people will be baffled and bored by 'series', but I would still encourage everyone on here to take a look. Maybe someone will love it. I eagerly await Episode 3.