Education in Film

I live in Europe and in the past two years I've met a few film directors, producers and actors. While talking to them I noticed an interesting thing about what they've been teaching them in film school. It seems to me personally that in many of the film schools the students are not taught a craft but technique. They teach them the way you shoot a film, the different cameras you use, the different techniques behind shooting a shot and tell them to go try it on their own. However I think they're missing an important element, while this is all important in the realization of a project successfully, directors have to understand that the image is only a tool, and language, the beauty arises from relaying a succesful image. A beautiful image without depth is a shallow shell and has no meaning. This also counts for story structure when you look at italian neoralism, and for example De Sica's films based on Moravia's stories, everything has a meaning and the visual image is only a way to express that meaning. This realization is lacking in many of the people I've met who work in the film industry. This is just my personal opinion I would like to know what you think...

thanks in advance for replies.