Editing Keyboard/Mice/Pad?

I'm just wondering what everyone on here uses beyond a traditional keyboard/mouse at their editing station. I'm thinking about getting a contour shuttle pro, but are they really a huge time saver?

It seems to me like they would be helpful once you get the hang of it, but on a limited budget my money might be better off spent elsewhere... however, time is very limited in my life, so any time saver is huge. Thoughts?
I have a a contour, and while its decent, I have to say I end up going back to my keyboard. Once you learn the keyboard short cuts for the basic functions, it really is all you need. Sometimes ill keep a hand on the shuttle pro, when going frame by frame, the wheel works great.
I use an Avid Artist Transport which is absolutely great. I don't think anything other than a keyboard or mouse is necessary, but the MC makes my life easier - you can program it to do almost anything you want in just about any program, so it's not only great for editing, but whatever you want.
Cool, thanks for the input guys. I think I'll just learn all the keyboard shortcuts then. Now that you mention keyboard shortcuts a Google search informs me that for Sony Vegas I can use ctrl+shift+scroll wheel to scroll frame by frame... nice.