editing Editing footage taken from Windows system to Mac...problems

Hey guys I'm working with some friends trying to edit a trailer they shot on a SD DV cam. They were imported on a windows based machine from what I understand and put on an external Hard drive. I tried to take the files off to edit them with my mac using Final Cut Express but I can't read the files. Here are the file extensions. They are .BUP .IFO .VOB files. Is there a way I can convert them so I can edit them on my mac? I'm drawing a blank here and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
.bup and .ifo files are the information files for a DVD and .vob is a video file on DVD

Mpeg-2/DVD is probably the worst thing you could have rendered to if you wanted to edit it on a Mac. Mpeg-2 is probably the worst editing codec out there.

Nevertheless, I would assume FCP would have native ability to open and edit vob files.

That said, you have two choices - transcode to a better editing codec like a lossless AVI such as lagarith or huffyuv, or to the equivelent for .mov , or simply re-render the original footage on the windows machine, which will ultimately result in higher quality.
Hmm okay. Well I didn't render the files on the windows machine, I'm just stuck with trying to make it work now on my mac. lol Nothing like being given the short end of the stick.. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the reply.