Eccentric directors/actors

I can't help noticing that the public, including myself, loves to give attention to eccentric actors and particularly directors. Kubrick, one of my favorite directors, first comes to mind, and Tarantino as well. You often hear about a director's eccentricity before his work. Anyone else know of other eccentric directors or actors?
I think Ed Wood was considered eccentric *L* (He did Plan 9 from Outer Space-Johny Depp did a pretty good job in the movie about him)

I think you almost have to be a little eccentric to work in this type of thing-I've found that the more creative you are, the more you think "outside the box", the more people seem to think of eccentric.

Nothing wrong with it, just marching to a different drummer :)
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Hitchcock would also spring to mind as being a bit eccentric. His elevator story is great. I actually met Quentin Tarantino and he's just as crazy and cool and eccentric face to face which was great :)