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Dvd stickers.

When i buy a dvd i always notice that the dvd has a cover promoting the film stuck to the dvd. Therefore i was wondering what software i could buy to design the dvd sticker? Preferably something thats not too expensive.
I think he means a Dvd label. In which case my suggestion is to NOT use a DVD label because they can cause big problems, rather either use lightscribe or get them screen printed or maybe inkjet printed (although I dont know the reliability on this one).
Yes thats what i mean Dvd label. If i were to get them screen printed or inkjet printed what software or equipment would i need?
Ok, i have just been looking at a catalogue and it shows there are inkjet printers that can print onto a dvd. Is there there any particular printer that you recommend or shall i just buy any printer thats able to print onto a dvd?
If you want to print directly onto the DVD disc (which is what is sounds like) you can pick up pretty much any $100+ Epison printer and they come with software to allow what you want to do. Just get the blank printable DVD/CD. It works very well.
I like the on-disk inkjet printing method! As long as you set your margins correctly, it comes out super professional.