Hi all! Great site here and wish I'd have found it earlier.
Does anyone know the best company in either the U.S., or Canada that specializes in the most professional quality dvd replication from a glass master? I guess the full package including menus would be the best. I'm not looking for anything under 5000 copies and am aiming for around 10,000 to start. Metal tins would also be something I'd be interested in.
I just read a thread on here that sparked quite the debate between DVD's and digital downloads. Except, my mind is made up on this so I figured I would start my own thread.
I have already done the google thing, and.. well, that gave me some rough ideas on cost, and a lot of sites saying they're the best, but for my first movie that's under the $100,000 budget range, I'd
hate to go with the wrong company and screw this up. Any tips would be great, thanks.
Does anyone know the best company in either the U.S., or Canada that specializes in the most professional quality dvd replication from a glass master? I guess the full package including menus would be the best. I'm not looking for anything under 5000 copies and am aiming for around 10,000 to start. Metal tins would also be something I'd be interested in.
I just read a thread on here that sparked quite the debate between DVD's and digital downloads. Except, my mind is made up on this so I figured I would start my own thread.
I have already done the google thing, and.. well, that gave me some rough ideas on cost, and a lot of sites saying they're the best, but for my first movie that's under the $100,000 budget range, I'd
hate to go with the wrong company and screw this up. Any tips would be great, thanks.