archived-videos DVCPro25 - Punx

There's been a lot of talk about DVCPro50 and DVCPro25 recently, as they are both SD formats offered by the AG-DVX200.

As I've shot on both DVCPro25 and DVCPRo50 I thought it might be useful to post some footage.

This was a rough cut trailer for my first ever attempt at shooting a feature (Before No Place)

It was shot on DVCPro25, with a fair amount of black pro-mist. This footage was cut in Avid and laid back to Digibeta. However, I recently regraded the footage and used the Eureka Film Suite pluggin to give the footage a more authentic 1979 look.

Anyhow, enjoy. (Oh, as you can see I stripped all the ambient sound out - so there isn't any dialogue)


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Do you have a full SD 720x480 resolution version you can post a link to?

I'm limited to what I can attach here at the moment. When I get some spare time I'll play around with the compression to try to get something larger, without getting too big with the file sizes.
I shoot DVCPRO25 everyday, while our production department shoots 50. Nine times out of ten, my shots look better cause I know how to play with the camera to get a better image. In the end, it's what you know about the camera and what it can do, not about the camera.

Well, you have to worry about the lighting. Most stuff you see on the local news is shot without a thought for the lighting, or they simply think sticking a subject in direct sunlight is enough. If you really pay attention to the lighting - and I'm not saying you have to use a bunch of lights...I'm saying pay attentuion to your lighting (whether it's natural or man made, existing or set up) - you can get video that's just as good as most stuff shot on DVCPRO50.

That being said, get the best you can get with your budget.
