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watch Droid Hunter


I would love to get some feedback on this clip from my short film.

Droid Hunter - Opening Credits

Silva Screen Productions

Hello! Thanks for sharing.

I have to be honest, I think it suffers a little from the entirely shot hand-held approach. Some people may like this style, but I think it's distracting. This doesn't mean a film can't be done hand-held and be high quality...it can...but it should be a style choice, not due to a lack of imagination or lack of equipment.

For example, your dolly shot in the garage...if you had simply placed the camera on a dolly, that shot would have been much cooler, and much stronger. As it is, it looks like a camera man is walking sideways with the camera tracking the character...it's too shaky, and it's distracting.

I also found the lighting to be flat, and sometimes too dark. I think there is something cool about the character standing by the elevator in silhouette, but if you had lit him with a key or rim light, it would have been better. It was too dark. It's tough...because shooting outdoor day stuff can be challenging--you can't light over the sun...but what you can do is, when a character is under cover or shaded, your can accent them with a key light or whatnot...

I think your character is pretty cool...kind of a Mad Max character. He was even eating a can of beans similar to the film...I was almost expecting to see an Australian Shepard begging by his side. :) The broken glasses were a nice touch...but it almost seemed a little post-apocalyptic...the character I mean...but the location and surroundings were modern.

The enemy character...the android was kind of funny...you know, holding the crowbar as if he never lets that thing go. lol. Will you be doing any robotic POV shots?

As far as sound...did you do any sound design for it? I can't remember hearing any foley or anything. Was it just the music?

Anyway. I dig the concept, and I appreciate what you're going for. I'd love to see more. Thanks again.