archived-videos Double or Nothing (Creepy Short Movie)

This movie explores the mind of a mad man with skitzophrenia and split personality who, one day after work, plays his alterego in a game of pool where the stakes are high. Split screen effects are used throughout the flick. This short brings audiences back to the gritty soul of micocinema by breaking all the rules and using Digital 8 tape's shortcomings to create a chilling visual atmosphere. Done entirely (with the exception of "the walking man" character) by one person. Although this movie isn't meant to be viewed on the internet (you can't get the same [grainy] effect you would with a television or projector), you can watch it in Windows Media format. (Windows Media, 9 minutes long, 40 MB)

Any feedback positive and negative is GREATLY appreciated (and that means feedback aside from the poll as well!). Thanks, and enjoy!
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Thanks! I can't wait to drop the conclusion on you...Of course, I have to make it first (haha). It will reveal a whole new layer to Double or Nothing and have you looking at the movie completely differently.
Neat idea. I liked it a lot. A tip: If your camera has the option, you should turn the automatic iris off. Video short films look much better when the iris isn't going haywire with the lighting. I noticed this on your OU Mockumentary as well.

Thanks for the honesty, but this movie is (believe it or not) supposed to look amaturish. I was trying to create a strange aura in the movie. You can't see it on the internet, but the graininess of the tape is out of control. Everything technical that looks bad in this movie, was done on purpose (unless you could see the split screen at points--that wasn't purposeful). If you'll notice, the dialogue audio is very off (on purpose) also; unlike OU uncovered in which I used better equipment and mics.

OU uncovered, however, was supposed to look good, so I'll still take what you said about that to heart.

I guess I should have worked harder to make the technical shortcomings look purposeful.

Thanks again for the honest criticizm!
LOGAN L Productions said:
unless you could see the split screen at points--that wasn't purposeful

I didn't see any split screens and I thought that looked pretty good. But I noticed in a few shots where the reflection of your double wasn't seen.
CommanderGoat said:
But I noticed in a few shots where the reflection of your double wasn't seen.

Don't know what to say about that...the alterego (or "double") was all in the nameless man's head, so I didn't feel obligated to reshoot those shots with the reflections included. Now that I look back at it, I think it may have looked better with the reflections in there, but I don't worry too much about it, because 1) it was all in the man's head after all, and 2) the absent reflections didn't take away from the story. That's a good point though. Thanks.

pokewowplayer1 said:
By the way, I like your company logo. It looks and sounds very professional.

Thankyou very much.