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Hello new filmmaker! :cool:

Nice short! Two things though: Credits are not needed in the beginning for a short of this length, and there was lots of camera-shake.

Also, we have people from all over the world here, not just the US. :)
Oh, sorry!

And yes, it have lots of camera-shake because was made without money. It's and ultracheap (exist that word?), i made it when i was young (younger :)). I am trying to talk with american people (especially people near to Austin, Texas) and i'm looking for sites when i can promote mi short-film (not this, it's a new short that will be shows in the Film Fest).

Nice to meet you and meet this comunity! Thank you very much!
Oh, sorry!

No problem! Don't apologize :)

And yes, it have lots of camera-shake because was made without money. It's and ultracheap (exist that word?), i made it when i was young (younger :)). I am trying to talk with american people (especially people near to Austin, Texas) and i'm looking for sites when i can promote mi short-film (not this, it's a new short that will be shows in the Film Fest).

Tip for getting your film seen by others:

Make an exciting trailer. How?

Know what audience your film is directed at. Titanic obviously had a much different crowd from Avatar, but they were both successful. What age group is it aimed at? That will help you determine if you should cut out "inappropriate" content. Genre fans? Is the film aimed at genre fans? Gender? All of these will help you determine how to make your trailer. But what I strongly recommend doing is watching a successful film similar to yours, and copying it. A trailer isn't a chance to be artistic, it's a chance to advertise. Also, make it exciting. Because of short attention spans due to the internet, and how fast you can get short content, people tend to turn a video off within the first 10 seconds. Within the first ten seconds you should have action and elements that will appeal to fans of the genre of the film you are making.

Share the trailer around. Get a Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, and Instagram page for the film. Share and tweet to others about the film as much as possible. Convince friends to go around and share it. Upload a teaser, a trailer, and a second trailer. If you have any BTS (behind the scenes) footage, then put that up - almost like mini episodes following your progress. Every time you release more info on the film, spend ours on end sharing it on social networking sites.

There is a feature on Youtube that allows you to put advertisements up. If you have a little extra money, I'd put some money into that. You can advertise on other sites as well, although I recommend film sites like IndieTalk. Advertise, advertise, advertise.

Help others. Give advice. Make friends. Critique. You're sure to get a few people interested in following your project and possibly helping you in the future.

Share, share, share. As much as you can.

Make a website for the film. Link all of your pages to it, and vice versa.

Tell everyone about the film. Spend a day just tweeting and sharing. Get it seen. Get it known.

Publicity stunt? :P Probably a bit too far for a short film, but you never know :cool:

Nice to meet you and meet this comunity! Thank you very much!

You're welcome! We look forward to discussing film with you, and following your progress.

Hi, I'm Kike Narcea. I'm working directing t.v. series and shows, and making independent movies, in my country, Spain. I'm going to visit your amazing country at the end of the month, for the Austin Film Festival.

I want you watch my first short-film: Don't Jump the Line, Girl!

It's a short-film dedicated to the filmmakers and students of cinema.



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