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watch Documentary Intro

I'll be honest, it feels too scripted for me to take whatever follows seriously, as a documentary. It lacks truthiness, in my opinion. I think you should just jump right in to the meat and potatoes of the documentary, without an "introduction".
Please either spend more time on the selection of fonts,kerning,effects etc. for the titles or find a designer who will do it.

Also if you would not say it is a doc about floods I doubt most viewers will get that straight away. If you are going this humorous/narrative type of flashback doc,wouldn't smth like overflowing of the bathroom suit better?

Show don't tell right?
The text stays on the screen for WAY too long, is too plain, and fades in/out over a longer duration than necessary.

I would not have known it was about a flood unless you had said something.

I'm with Cracker Funk, just go into the meat and potatoes. You don't need to be ultra fancy with an intro for a documentary. It just feels too scripted otherwise.