Documentary Film

Hello, I'm new to the site and trying to digitize archival photographs and maps that are, in some cases, hundreds of years old for a historical documentary. I was wondering the best methods to accomplish this, directly filming them or scanning? I would also appreciate any equipment specifications, thanks
Welcome answer your question, I would, depending upon the stuff you're using, go with digital photos of the documents. Unless you have a very good and large scanner, you'll have a hard time, especially with the maps, scanning them. Also, depending upon the age, I think the scanning light is so bright that they can hurt the documents. For photos that are 8 x 10 or smaller, the scanner would be the best move.

You can buy, and for the life of me I can't think of what it's called, a thing that is basically a board where you can put the map, and lights at the four corners. You can make something like that easily though. Then you put the camera over it and take the shots. You'll want 10+ MP to really get good resolution.

I'm sure that there are other ways, but that's what I'd do.
