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Do you need a platform for your upcoming film or documentary?

Hello. My name is Trenell Foster. Me and some associates are building an indie video streaming service. We just bought our domain and are looking to be up and running with movie titles mid summer! We are looking to network with anyone that loves indie films and supports them. Here is our FB page (Just made today) https://www.facebook.com/Yolietv-1011345475581424/?skip_nax_wizard=true&pnref=story.unseen-section Our service will support Flims, TV Shows, Webisodes, Short Films and Documentaries!!! We will also only except submission we believe in. Our goal is to help PROMOTE indie projects, connect with the film makers to achieve the success they would like to have. Together we have other ventures all dedicated to indie Art from music to films to comics, books and more!! www.yolietv.com will be up soon, then we will focus on adding projects to our platform. Yolie = "You Obviously Love Indie Films" Thank You for your time, hope to hear from you soon and possible begin a successful networking journey. Please check out our site at www.YolieTV.com and you can submit work at Yolietv@gmail.com