• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.


During the research phase for our expose documentary on scam festivals we have spoken to many filmmakers and festival directors from all over the world.

What we learnt is that there are so many scams out it can be difficult to distinguish between them. There is however one common dominator that enables the scam festival to operate with impunity, and that is that filmmakers do not look into a festival, they simply submit their film and they hope their talent is going to be recognised by a fellow professional. Thinking like this is naive and you would be better off buying a lottery ticket.

Nowadays filmmakers really have the cards stacked against them and are not left with a lot of options. One thing all filmmakers should do and that is to check out the film festival before submitting a film, not to do so is pure folly.

Look at the history of the festival; make sure they have a address and telephone number. What are the names of the festival directors and programmers, does the festival have a selection committee. Are the festival directors connected to and have they an interest in any of the films in competition, look at the history of the festival and cross reference the winning films with the festival director’s names on IMDB.
There is no point in submitting a film to a festival if all the awards are going to the festival directors own films. Also If a festival is charging $200 - $300 and is giving you a guarantee screening for your film, look at the previous year’s festival. Contact the crew of films previously selected. Ask in particular about the organisation and the previous year’s publicity for the festival.

Do not rely on any of the online submission providers to weed out scam festivals. They are in business to take a percentage of your submission fee. One of the main providers seem to ignore complaint about scam festivals or festival impersonating longstanding legitimate festivals

Don’t be stupid, rely on yourself, If a festival seems odd in any way - pass them by

We wrote an ethical code of conduct to help stop scam festivals. If a film festival has adopted the new ethical code of conduct through www.uffo.org (Universal Film Festival Organisation) you can be reasonably certain that you are not getting ripped off and that the festival will actually view you submitted screener. UFFO will also have a history of the festival and contacts for the festival so get involved this is your organisation. UFFO is an open organisation for filmmakers and film festivals and the code of conduct is free, it’s easy and it works

The UFFO web site is under construction www.uffo.org


Tyrone D Murphy
New organisation to promote film festival code of conduct

Film Festival Code of Conduct (FFCOC)
The 10 Point Film Festival Code of Conduct was drafted with the collaboration of filmmakers and festival directors with a view to improving the relationship between industry professionals and acknowledging the importance of enhanced cooperation between filmmakers and film festivals

The FFCOC film festival code of conduct has ten guiding principles and the successful implementation of this code will largely depend on the acceptance by the film festival and filmmaking community as a whole. Although the Code of Conduct is completely voluntary it will help define the obligations and responsibilities that film festival organisers have towards the filmmaking community

The code of conduct will not only demonstrate a film festivals willingness to be transparent but in addition the code of conduct can also be used as a practical guide to assist filmmakers in determining the difference between a legitimate film festival, a fraudulent festival or those that operate dubious business practices

The code of conduct has a pragmatic approach to implementation that is based on rational and transparent working methods. It will promote good business practices and assist in the development of relationships between film festival organisers and the filmmaking community. In addition it will contribute to identifying and stamping out the criminal activity and fraudulent film festivals that have been to date operating with absolute impunity

It needs to be recognised that the film festival code of conduct cannot anticipate every situation and therefore the film festival and filmmaking community are invited to propose improvements and amendments to this Code of Conduct at any time

The 10 Point Film Festival Code of Conduct (by Tyrone D Murphy)

No 1: Film Festival organisers will operate a transparent and ethical selection process and publish details of the selection process and the names of the Jury/selection committee (publication can be after a festival concludes)
No 2: Film festivals organisers will provide full contact details for the festival offices including address and telephone numbers and the names of the festival directors and or committee
No 3: Film Festivals will publish a company registration number or charity registration number and must be clearly visible on the festivals website (this only applies to a registered entity)
No 4: Film festival organisers will not under any circumstances share any personal or financial data belonging to any filmmakers who submitted their films to their festivals with any third parties
No 5: Film Festivals will publish a year by year history of festival winners and films officially selected
No 6: Film festival organisers, committee and or jury will not show or demonstrate any favouritism to any film submitted to the festival or attempt to influence other members of the jury or selection committee
No 7: Film Festivals must declare the number of films sought out and or invited by the festival organisers to participate in the festival prior to and before the general call for submissions is sent out
No 8: Film Festivals will provide the names of the selection committee and or jury members who viewed the submitted film screeners to the festival (this can be after the festival has concluded)
No 9: Film festival organisers will provide a short comment of all viewed film submissions and the length of time the submitted film was screened or viewed by the festival selection committee or jury (in the interests of fairness it is recommended that at least 5 minutes of all submitted films should be viewed or screened)
No 10: Festival organisers must declare any interest they have in any film submitted to or invited to participate in the festival (if an interest is declared than he or she should remove themselves from the committee or jury)

Please provide support and feedback

www.ufo.org universal film festival organisation web site is under construction

Tyrone D Murphy