Do Indie Filmmakers have any market ????

HI from last few days i have been talking to many indie filmmakers including Clive , Directorik..and they all (specially Clive) said to to market research.i even contacted my indian friends about Indie film market in India at the regional industries.and i was tld that even there the distributors take movie with STAR CAST.
I just want to know doesn we indie filmmakers have any market or we are completely relying on luck??i know filmmaking is a passion but even money is neede.But when i ask people every one is running after STAR CAST !!!!!

so do we indie filmmakers realy have any market??or it is just luck,luck and luck? (but the saying is that a man makes destiny by hard work.but when we dont have any market how our hard work can be fruitfull??)

I am completly confused what strategy should i opt ????

Please discuss this matter


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Speaking strictly from the view I've gotten over the years in Indie filmmaking. The ones making the money are the ones who went independent after making a name as a director in Hollywood. Then there are the niche markets that Hollywood isn't interested in. Most Indies shoot with their own money and make nothing for years; sometimes decades.

I'm going to reiterate something I believe Knightly said to you on another thread, if you want to make money, this is probably not the business to get into. Most people could probably make more money growing vegetables and selling them by the roadside. I've found a niche market for my movies and my market knows me, so I do manage to make a few thousand dollars a year (outside of commercial work), but it barely justifies the equipment costs.


p.s. I'm glad to see you are still here. You're tough and determined, and that will definitely work to your advantage regardless of what you decide to do.
First of all thanks for calling me determin and

tough.i will take these titles as an honour. :d .well

first of all the link you gave i cant access to that

because i am not apremium kindly it is a

request save those pages attch them to you email and

send me at ...its a request

please please send me the webpages so that i can get

some more important information.

well friend i am reald serious about filmmaking. No matter even after BS in Finance i have to do ACCA and do a job for next 5 years...i will atleast try once to make a 100 professional movie at the lowest budget with all the important elements.....that why i am always posting question because i want gain maximum knowledge and to be perfect atleast theoratically..

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Well a friend on other site told me Festivals can be a good option.if you make a good saleable movie................and submit it inot different festivals you might get a chance to attract distributors for the same movie..i think this is the only thing left out [:d]

well other then that please oakstreetphotovideo do send me the webpages where you have posted your thread related to

This post I made a few weeks ago may be of interest;

i am sure it wil lrealy help me a lot.

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So, is the best strategy to approach filmmaking from a more commerical standpoint, then try to do the "dream project" once you've already made a name?

The best idea is to make your dream project but have it be commercial enough that it can be picked up for distribution. Most people don't want to hear that though.
I think the indie market is a sleeping giant. We're seeing changes in technology that are evolving every week, which in some cases can make it easier for Independent's to make films. The luck and or the work requiers that you touch a vain, an untapped story that no one can turn away. Meaning that the independent voice is the only one that doesn't have to be redundant in the realm of the cinematic market place. But if you want to tell the same four friends from Boston story, or the mid west coming of age story. Unless you have twists that are interwoven and fresh. The financing isn't going to come rushing to your door. But they are eventually going to come to the door. It has yet to be seen but in a summer saturated with Big Budgeted, Remakes and sequels, and or ideas that have existed since 1963, i.e. Iron Man. People are going to yearn for something fresh, new, and independent. I'm mean look at the crash and burn of Speed Racer. The independent model is redefining it's self. Much like the music industry is. If you have an independent movie and you believe in it's content, and you know it's good. It'll rise to the top. Cream often does. Just don't get burned. One Independent surprise this summer is going to be American Teen. A classic case of if they can why not me. Why not indeed, why not all of us. There'll always be the horror genre, independently speaking.

Thanks friend.Atleast i got some one showing the optimistic way ...on the other forums people are so realistic that they dont want to see dreams. and i believe dream is the mother of reality..... well can you tell me more about this

One Independent surprise this summer is going to be American Teen. A classic case of if they can why not me.

i want to know more about the making and other stuff like who planned the movie????i hope this Indie Movie Rocks this summer

can you tell me what did you mean when you said

There'll always be the horror genre, independently speaking.

actually my first language isnt English .so some times it becomes a little hard to understand the exact meaning.

I know now a days we cant make the old stories as you said

But if you want to tell the same four friends from Boston story, or the mid west coming of age st

we need somthing realy different in the story to attract people.
.so please define the quoted material

and oakstreetphotovideo

thanks a lot you gave me some real good information....

NOTE:The Topic is not ended yet.I want you people to contribute more and more with lot of information.AND I am Thankful to all of you for contributing on the threads which i post on regular basis

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You are going to wait forever if you don't just sit back, relax and be patient. People are not going to jump at the snap of your fingers, especially during the week when most are working on projects and not sitting online.