Hey, that's good info. I've been trying to decide whether go fogger or dry ice for my next shoot, so that's great to know. I'm thinking of getting one of those "Hurricane" brand foggers- anybody know anything? Good? Bad?
Are you referring to
I've not used one, but Chauvet is a fairly well known brand, and they make decent products at a good price point. At that price, I'd say go for it -- and stock up on fog juice too, it's generally cheaper if you buy the gallon jugs than smaller quantities.
If you're willing to spend a little bit more though, you might consider
this one which has a much higher fog output. The better heater also will help ensure that your fog juice is properly atomized rather than turning it into a fog juice squirt gun.
That brings me to my little science lesson of the day, for those who aren't familiar with how a fogger works...
The construction is very simple, there is a reservoir that holds the liquid, a pump, and a metal pipe that is coiled around a heating element. At the end of that pipe is the spray nozzle. When the liquid is pumped through the pipe it gets superheated as it passes by the heating element, and the result is that when it is forced out the spray nozzle on the end it
atomizes... in other words, the liquid breaks down and the glycerin turns to a particulate matter that gets suspended in the air. If the heating element isn't hot enough the atomization process either won't work, or won't completely work, which results in the oily liquid squirting out the nozzle like a squirt gun. The caveat here is that MOST commercial foggers like those we've been discussing have a temperature gauge that only allows you to activate the pump if the temperature is within the correct temperature range.
While it's not quite as efficient as one of these plug in units, a standard
propane bug fogger can give you the same results with the same theatrical fog fluid, these use -- the bonus there is you could use it out in the middle of nowhere if you have a camp-stove type propane tank handy.. I would highly recommend you buy one new and only use it for this purpose though, wouldn't want to risk spraying pesticides all over your actors.

Also, they're not the best choice for indoor use as the burning of propane produces some carbon monoxide