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watch DIVISION Trailer (Action/Drama)

Cool! Looks exciting.

I think you can trim this trailer significantly. Unless you've got a Brad Pitt in your movie, I think 2-minutes is too long. But mainly, it's not the length of this trailer that makes me think you should cut it down, but the pacing -- it's just a little bit too slow. A few frames here, a few frames there, butt everyone's dialog and action on top of each other, and you'll have a lean, mean, action-y trailer.

Good luck!
I agree with CF, plus the music is too "out" front in the mix.

55-60sec trailer remixed and it´ll be greatly improved.

All the very best with this - Jim.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
I felt the pacing could be sped up a bit as well I just wanted to make sure people weren't left too out of the loop.
We will be cutting another one soon.
Thanks again guys :)
Hey. A common mistake that seems to be repeatedly made by independent films...the music is too loud... i think you should lower the music down more when there is dialogue then turn it back up in between.
Thanks IndyRiot! I think it seems loud because it's fairly grand. I was nervous it might be "too much" but I'm happy (as happy as an artist can be) with it :)